The face that Nooooooo longer wears a smile

I’m trying, Christ in Heaven knows I am!!!

I need a Word from my Father. Plllleeeeeaaaaassssseeee Daddy send me a message from on high. I know I need to still away in solitude, but there’s no where quiet enough to do this.

Daddy, send anyone to speak to me, and give me clear instructions of what I need to do. I’m not complaining perse. But, I’m in the dumps I can’t lie.

I surrender my all to You Lord, please send a breakthrough. Thank You Daddy for keeping us safe throughout the night. And we even had a bite to eat and were able to shower.

I’m just having a hard time being happy go lucky while experiencing all this. My bday is in six days and I’m sooooooo miserable… Nonetheless, I love You Lord and look forward to deliverance.

BnfEnT (CEO Son Son – DMV)

40 thoughts on “The face that Nooooooo longer wears a smile

  1. Please do not be distracted by the views of the people around you but keep your mind focused on God. It is during the darkest of the moment that our God comes to our aid. I know my sister the tunnel you’re in seems mighty dark but we serve an awesome God. God allowed the satan to take away Job had but he continued to praise God was given greater than what he lost. I know things look bleak right now but you can make i through this trial. You have to have faith in God’s work and his timing, he’ll bring you through. I’m living proof of that. I don’t know your exact location but I am hoping the listing I send will be of some help to get you through this journey. I will continue to pray for you and God’s in your life.

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    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to send the information… I’m sure it will help. God Bless you and I’m thankful you’ve overcome the difficulties you were experiencing… I know for sure God is working things out in my favor as well.

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  2. Your heart speaks to me and I feel where you all . I read you need a word and if you look at my blog I think you can find what you looking forward. I know how it feels to trust Daddy when he is not moving, you can’t feel him, and he seems so distant. You should be excited that you are in the right place at the right time. Waiting on Daddy to do something great surrendering you for him. Happy Early Birthday Daughter of Daddy this is not the end only beginning. Hugs, Blessings, and Love my sister!!!

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  3. You are so loved! I was going to respond with some encouragement, but WOW what a beautiful blessing of sweet people reaching out to you to send their love in your direction! VERY moving to witness the out pouring of God’s love through each one of y’all…you are so loved and blessed…and Happy Birthday!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and yes God was so awesome to send me to WordPress… No matter what I go through, my sisters and brothers in Christ ALWAYS comes with much love and encouragement… I truly appreciate all of you.. Be Blessed

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  4. I feel ya, sister! I am in the same slump. I know God is greater than all my emotions, but sometimes life is just a complete downer. Have faith to move mountains. I would love to change the world, but maybe He wants personal change first? I am trying to be still and silent and push the negative thoughts aside as quickly as they arise. I will put you in my prayers and send my love and His your way. Be at peace and know that nothing is as it seems. Greater things are being conspired.

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    1. Just know that merely because you thought less about your own struggles for the moment that you allowed God to use you to encourage me… You pulled your own deliverance that much closer… He loves when we’re selfless, it gives Him great pleasure to watch His children come together for one another… I’ve received nothing but pure love since I began blogging on this site… If God be for us, He’s more than the whole world against us. Therefore, all that we’re facing shall pass… All is well is my final claim!!!


        1. I will, and I’m so haaaappppyyyy that my Faith never waivers even when it appears unbearable… And the Scripture you gave resonates with me so much. He ALWAYS turns it in our favor!!! Best Daddy ever 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, I recently nominated you for a small challenge.

    3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge.

    The rules of the challenge :
    1. Thank the person who nominated you.
    2. Post a quote a day for 3 days.
    3. Each day, nominate 3 new bloggers to take part in the challenge


  6. Thinking of you today. I hope God speaks to you someway to give you encouragements. Boy, I have sure had my share of times of get discouragement! The dark night of the soul…but it is walking through the valley of the shadow of death. You get through to the otherside. May God bless you and provide just the right thing that is needed at the right time.

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  7. Pardon me. I just double checked the post to be sure. It is called “Rapid Transfer” and is 7 or 8 posts down on The ART blog.

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  8. Please read my earlier post “Rapid Expansion”. This is how we come into knowing and two-way conversation with God. It is written in secular language, because I truly believe that people of many faiths and good hearts will get Christ inside. Once you learn it, you will not only enter into the prophetic, but you will also have those answers you need from The Most High at your fingertips.

    As encouragement, my leg has been hurting for a few days. It has also been a little out of alignment recently. While in prayer I heard to put my hand on the troubled spot. It twisted by itself back into alignment. I few moments later, I put it back down. It was now straight and the pain had completely left it. You can do this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is exactly the kind of connection I need with God, I earnestly feel in my spirit that it’s something particular He wants to say to me or for me to do… I’ll definitely look at your post and thank you bunches. Also, I’m happy your leg is better.

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  9. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. (((hugs))). You should cry if you need to cry. I would crying too! This isn’t you fault. Bad things happen to good people. Maybe put add in Craigslist telling how awful your situation is, and ask for help. Someone may have a RV they not using or an extra room. People do read those help adds to see how to help.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s definitely gotta be confirmation from God, that I should move forward with the ad. I just told my husband that I had an epiphany about that… He basically laughed it off and denounced the very thought of it… But, I’m going forward with it. Thank you for your helpful words… Be Blessed

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  10. Dear one, we are all given lessons in life. Listen to Gods word for you. I send out love to you because you are worthy of love and more! DO not sit there in your car and cry, get out of that car and search for what you need. Walk..walk until you find it! to people and ask for help! If you do not do not receive..<3

    Liked by 2 people

    1. OMG that brought tears to my eyes… I needed that straight to the point motherly sternness… It gave me a boost of energy too… Thanx sooooooo much and believe me I’ve been radically asking for help, because I never know who God wants to use to help me… Nooooooo time for shame and embarrassment right now. To add, I watched a documentary where this young guy put an ad on several sites and received major help… If I don’t get any help before tonight, that will definitely be my next step… Perhaps God is doing something in and through me as I go through this… I can’t see what good can come of it. But, our ways and thoughts are incomparable to His…

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  11. Sometimes during really hard times the thing that encourages me is to hear: YES this is incredible hard, hard in every way possible, physically, emotionally, mental…. YES !!!
    And then they hug me tight…. I hug you tight !

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  12. I don’t know what’s going on or is wrong sweetie, but have you ever heard the words “in God’s time”? When people say they “wait on the Lord” they mean it. Sit back, take a deep breath, and instead of pleading to God, just wait and listen. His plans are always greater than ours, always… we may not see the light, but usually you are where you are for a reason… someone you need to help, something that you may need to learn… before you go further. so be patient, never try to rush it…God knows best. It might not look that way, but you not only have to trust, you truly have to have faith in Him. 🙂 I’m praying for you too!


    1. I try to be patient and not think about it, and start pleading with God. But, I get sad and depressed when I look around and I’m just sitting in my car with Nooooooo where to go, and the crazy thing is all the people who use to call and depend on me for help is living life just fine right about now, outta the heat, in air conditioned homes and able to go in the kitchen and eat at leisure… Also, at night they can shower just fine and stretch out in a comfortable bed… Why this is happening to me is beyond what I can naturally grasp. That’s why I keep crying out for a supernatural answer and some miraculous answers to how to get out of this terrible state I’m in… Thanx for your Prayers


      1. are you saying you are homeless?? if that is the case… you want to come to Washington?? I may live in a crappy trailer, but I have a spare bedroom… you are more than welcome to!!! 🙂

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        1. Awwwwww, that touched my heart like never before… Thank you for that!!! If I didn’t work for the Federal Government here in northern Virginia I would have jumped at the offer. Nonetheless, there’s a purpose for this, and I won’t deviate one bit… Imma go through it till the very end, just to allow God to have His way in, through and all around me. Strange enough, it may be for Him to see how His babies would care for and love each other as one is suffering such hardship as I am now… And if that’s it, I’d have to say He’s smiling, because I’ve gotten the most support and love today… God is Good all the time!!!


  13. Woman of God, be encouraged knowing that God is going to bring you out of this storm. I know you cannot see how, when, and where but keep the faith knowing that He is going to do it. You never whose heart God may touch to get your feet moving in a new direction. I know it is hard right now, but God sees everything you are going through, and He is just as concerned about it as you are. This storm will pass. Storms never last forever; they come and they go. I will be praying for you.

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  14. sending a prayer! Enter into HIs rest, trust Him, be still, and let Him be God. Let Him take care of everything most importantly let Him take care of You. You don’t have to do or be anything. .He has you!

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    1. I know, it’s just so hard… I’m in Nooooooo waaaaaayyyyyyy wavering in my Faith… But, I am in a stupor today. I’m off from work today, and don’t have that eight hours of inside security out of the heat and being around happy people. So, just sitting in the car is kind of stressful. Yesterday I felt worse and before I knew it God had me feeling better… I need to turn on my Gospel music and look upward… I just feel like God has a message for me that I’m missing because my head is sooooooo chaotic… Please touch and agree with me for direction. Thanx bunches

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