Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/1/15 (DAY 13)


  • Let God control who you date, your marriage or already established relationship (NO FORNICATING)
  • Trust God to lead you down the right path as you plan and confirm your annual vacation.
    • You’re destined to get the BEST deals
    • Reassurance that any problems, should there be ANY will be minimal to NONE.
    • You’ll find new things to do to have fun, ATTRACTIONS and ACTIVITIES will come to you like never before
  • Career choices and continuum of education… He definitely knows, and I’ll guarantee you that your new sought out and obtained profession will be one that you’ll look forward to every day.Unlike many of us, who merely go for a paycheck. Your God geared job will be one sufficient enough to retire from and you won’t have to double up (Work 2 or more jobs simultaneously)  either, because the one income will be Heaven sent more than enough… You’ll be the lender and NEVER a borrower.

Got my eyes, feet and nails done up yaaaaaaaayyyyyyy, just waiting for my stylist to grocery shop, and my hair gon be on #fleek too!!! She always flicks her wrist 🙂 🙂 🙂

PLEASE subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on EVERY social network that we connect in… Thanking you in advance!!!

13 thoughts on “Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/1/15 (DAY 13)

  1. You remind me so much of Samuel with your desire to be used by God. Don’t beat yourself up about hearing from Him, or knowing exactly what it is He would have you to do.. The important thing to remember is that when we can’t or don’t hear from God, we are supposed to stand in the last we met Him. Sometimes God is silent during our tests, and I truly believe that though you don’t think you are hearing from Him, He will honor your obedience. A lot of people don’t feel like they can be or should be persistent in seeking answers from God, but that’s what He wants of us!! So even if you don’t think you are hearing Him, know that He is well pleased with your obedience and your persistence in pursuing Him, His word and His presence. As you desire to be used, He will use you for the Glory of His kingdom as you are such a willing vessel. It is very rare for some of us to be as surrendered as you are. I can only pray that I will be that trusting and confident in Him that I will surrender and earnestly surrender to His will . A lot of times we say we are surrendered because we wish we truly were, or that’s where our heart is..but we simply aren’t there yet. I will definitely keep you in my prayers as I go before the throne asking God to give me the same hunger and thirst that you have! <3.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, that was deep, and wholeheartedly conveyed… I can’t imagine that you’ve not already surpassed me in your spiritual growth. I earnestly believe you have and just don’t quite see or feel it yet. Trust me, the anointing is all over your writings… So, keep allowing God to use you… Only a truly God fearing individual can come across the way you did and prick another’s heart as you did mine. I’m Blessed because all you said and thanx bunches.


    1. Thanx… We’re (me and you) are AWESOME!!! Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh Yes… Praise Him, for He’s truly Worthy of ALL Praise, Honor and Glory… Be Blessed my luv, and may Heaven continue to smile upon you and yours 🙂


  2. I am glad you shared this today. Your right. With God there is always just enough to keep my family and myself alive, well, happy, and learning everyday.

    If I only like your post it means I am not able to express myself. It is because I am reading from my smart phone that makes me feel dumb. Or your words stirred my muse and I have gotten lost in thought.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Here is a book a Big Sister loan me to help me with my relationship with my non-christian husband. “Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs She says it really good. I’ve only read a little of it so far and finding it helpful….Stay away from the chocolate frosting 🙂 SMH Prayers for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol @ stay away from chocolate frosting,.. I Pray this book is able to be downloaded. That’s how I’m doing with all music, putting them on a drive stick, Xbox games, I got a 500 hard drive, so we cannot download and store them there. Likewise with my Kindle, it’ll hold all my books. This way, the disc don’t get broke, scratched or left behind, during a sudden move. And that’s been my destiny for nearly a year now… Not ever being stable with sufficient housing. Thanx for your Prayers too 🙂


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