Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/25/15 (DAY 37)


Hair is a mess… gggggrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh! All the back to school babies beat me to the punch with my hair stylist

Still tremendously sleepy… This is ridiculous how fast training came about geesh!!!

Day three of lessons reminding us to make the best use of our time… No Godless chatter, backbiting or gossip

Read God’s Word, Pray, Praise & Worship… We need God like we do food for the nourishments of our body

Make sure your line of importance runs like this God first, others second then focus on yourself thereafter

During transition, your mate has to understand that you’re not shunning them but tired instead, and trying to adjust

My dream is to be in FULL-TIME Ministry for God, then life will definitely be less stressful

Be careful not to act as the world does just because they’re family… “Be NOT conformed to this world…”

Use your talents for God and watch Him increase you like never before

Another poor presentation (Vlog) toooooooo sleepy, and not at my best SMH! Please forgive me

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/24/15 (DAY 36)


Even if you’re use to the atmosphere at your current job, realize change comes with elevation and transformation

How can God take you higher if you keep fear as your confidant or companion?… Trust and Obey!!!

Please forgive me… Terrible Vlog… Sleepy to the fifth power!!!

Miserably sleep deprived… Jesus HAS the wheel!!!

Can’t wait to get situated!!! So outta my element, and so many arenas of my life is being negatively impacted SMH

My Rick Warren emails always comes at 4:44 am, this means my Angels are with me… Thank You Daddy 🙂

Make the best use of your time, remembering that an idle mind is the devil’s playground… Keep him far far away!!!

Watching myself fall asleep while driving… Totally DANGEROUS 😦 😦 😦

When you do wrong,quickly repent,turn from your wicked ways and hop back on the battlefield for Christ

Compliment and/or encourage anyone today, especially those who are normally insecure

Stream televangelists to your TV, so that you can spend quality time with God

Rest is important both spiritually and naturally… Pray for me to start back resting well again. Insomnia’s back

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/23/15 (DAY 35)


Make a special trip to a hospital, hospice, mental institution, nursing home, jail or prison to sit with somebody today

Sit down, call up a long lost friend or estranged family member or love one… Inspire, compliment & encourage them

Lend a helping hand today. Allow God to surprise you through you (Buy someone’s groceries or pay a bill off for them)

Pray and ask God to lead you to that perfect someone who could use the support most that He wants you to give

Show God you trust Him by not fighting against the transitions He has you embarking upon… They’ll pan out beneficial

Do not allow the enemy leeway into your life, mind or heart, to have his way, and reap havoc… Resist & he’ll flee

My reasoning for me being so mushy when people show me love for the things I’m doing for God… “The Passion’s of Christ”

Looking for love in all the wrong places caused me to be promiscuous SMH… But, God shielded me from death & disease.