Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/25/15 (DAY 37)


Hair is a mess… gggggrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh! All the back to school babies beat me to the punch with my hair stylist

Still tremendously sleepy… This is ridiculous how fast training came about geesh!!!

Day three of lessons reminding us to make the best use of our time… No Godless chatter, backbiting or gossip

Read God’s Word, Pray, Praise & Worship… We need God like we do food for the nourishments of our body

Make sure your line of importance runs like this God first, others second then focus on yourself thereafter

During transition, your mate has to understand that you’re not shunning them but tired instead, and trying to adjust

My dream is to be in FULL-TIME Ministry for God, then life will definitely be less stressful

Be careful not to act as the world does just because they’re family… “Be NOT conformed to this world…”

Use your talents for God and watch Him increase you like never before

Another poor presentation (Vlog) toooooooo sleepy, and not at my best SMH! Please forgive me

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/24/15 (DAY 36)


Even if you’re use to the atmosphere at your current job, realize change comes with elevation and transformation

How can God take you higher if you keep fear as your confidant or companion?… Trust and Obey!!!

Please forgive me… Terrible Vlog… Sleepy to the fifth power!!!

Miserably sleep deprived… Jesus HAS the wheel!!!

Can’t wait to get situated!!! So outta my element, and so many arenas of my life is being negatively impacted SMH

My Rick Warren emails always comes at 4:44 am, this means my Angels are with me… Thank You Daddy 🙂

Make the best use of your time, remembering that an idle mind is the devil’s playground… Keep him far far away!!!

Watching myself fall asleep while driving… Totally DANGEROUS 😦 😦 😦

When you do wrong,quickly repent,turn from your wicked ways and hop back on the battlefield for Christ

Compliment and/or encourage anyone today, especially those who are normally insecure

Stream televangelists to your TV, so that you can spend quality time with God

Rest is important both spiritually and naturally… Pray for me to start back resting well again. Insomnia’s back

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/22/15 (DAY 34)


Spent quality time with God and I’m so ELATED

The messages from both Joel Osteen and Rick Warren Blessed  my Spirit immensely!!!

To think of how God can simply speak, and the world is formed, shows just how good He can do in our lives

Thank you all, there’s POWER in Prayer…And even more influence when we go to the Throne in numbers 🙂

I got the job, and even received Favor over some who had a higher seniority!!! Won’t God do it

Be careful what advice you take, even if it’s from a well trusted friend, they mean no harm, but satan does

I must apologize to God for appearing ungrateful, and running from person to person for advice… FEAR

When you ask God for a Blessing and get it, don’t let doubt creep in

God makes nooooooo mistakes, and only wants the BEST for us

Don’t do tricky things to get yourself out of a place God is transitioning you to; especially after you asked for it

God knows how to turn anything the enemy tries to use to harm you into a HUGE Blessing… Trust and Obey!!!

Even when your shift seems like you’re getting the short end of the stick, don’t worry… God Gotcha 🙂 🙂 🙂

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/20/15 (DAY 32)



Lol, I honestly thought I was being PUNKED I ended up babysitting ten children… unknowingly SMH

You talking about a headache from outer space, I had it like never before ggggeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssshhhhhhh

They had the back to school jitters or something… And taming them with candy was a HUGE mistake!!!

I almost spanked their rumpelstiltskins numerous times… But, some of my children are against it… Keep em home!!!

Even though I was frustrated to the nineteenth power, I was lenient, because the adults were handling business

Next time Imma get me a good old-fashioned switch off the nearest tree, “sting em britches” as Granny use to say

Nonetheless, there was a lesson in all of it… God wants me to help out in that arena

I’m good at any other task, Grandma wise. But, babysitting wasn’t my thing at all, and I’m a stickler to that fact

At least I was “a stickler”… God requires and demands more from and of me… We are to help when needed!!!

To add, I gotta stop making mountains out of mole hills, and figure tactful ways to keep them busy and in order

Granny successfully raised her 16, and umpteen of her grands… I’m just as able; with God on my side 🙂 🙂 🙂

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/18/15 (DAY 30) continued…

Today is TALK ABOUT IT TUESDAY continued…

Don’t beat yourself up & and question your Salvation, when you repetitively do wrong… Instead Pray harder for CHANGE

If you see the evidence of God in your life (Blessings, Grace & Mercy), worry NO MORE… You’re a part of the family

How do you TAME the tongue??? Tired of lashing out and hurting others… Being human, in my opinion, is NO excuse!!!

Reassured that God still loves me in spite of my loose lips… But, it ANGERS me afterwards, and rightfully so SMH 

“Loose lips sink ships!!!” be mindful of how you address others… They do have feelings you know; or do you???

Even if your mind convinces you otherwise about your mate… Hold your Peace, if you’ve wholeheartedly given it to God

Never avoid altercations to the point where it causes health issues (READ THIS CAREFULLY – TRICKY, BUT TRUE)

Make sure to ALWAYS say “If it’ll be the Lord’s Will I’ll do this, this or that” Our plans still need His APPROVAL

If you and your mate are displaced (Living with others), be good to each other THROUGH it… No misplaced anger

Working God’s adrenaline and strength… Totally sleep DEPRIVED… Sad, sad, sad gggeeeeeeeeeeessssssshhhhhhhhh!!!

What’s the real scoop on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting… Enquiring minds wants to know!!!

Just because you’re agitated, due to things you brought on yourself… That don’t mean take it out on your mate

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/18/15 (DAY 30)


Hubby came home… I Prayed and God answered. Now, I gotta step outta the way!!!

Very IMPORTANT… it’s in no way ok to discuss your relationship with your children… They haven’t a clue what you’re to do

By nature, your babies want to protect. But, they can give you wrong advice, as a safety mechanism; on your behalf

God’s JEALOUS, and He don’t like it when we Pray for His help, then snatch our situations back, to handle ourselves

Regardless of the predicament, your mate should be contacting you daily… Silence makes room for assumptions

Pray SPECIFIC… God knows all. But, wants to hear it from you. He’ll give us the desires of our hearts

Know that you know that you for sure know your Heavenly Father’s voice; as to not give the enemy a foothold in your life

You DON’T have to have an altered mind in order to interact with others (Drugs & Alcohol) only makes it worse

The Holy Spirit can’t and won’t dwell in an unclean Temple… Remain SOBER guys!!!

Allow yourself to decrease, and God rise up when you have to socialize or have important conversations

Once promiscuous, but DELIVERED… unscathed, no deadly diseases… Thank You Daddy 🙂 🙂 🙂

“Judge not lest ye be JUDGED!!!”

Da Ugly Ducklin – The Transparent Me 8/17/15 (DAY 29)


Know that God is delighted to handle ALL our affairs if we would just TRUST in Him and ask for His help

Before you know it, things will begin to be Peaceful, clear and running smooth all around you… Give Him the Praise

Cast your cares! What? How do I do that? Simple, just raise your arms to God, and say Daddy I’m clueless and I need You

Crazy near death experience in the middle of the night SMH… What in the world was that all about???

My husband and I had a WEIRD interaction… Too sleepy to ponder though. Jesus grab the wheel 🙂 🙂 🙂

Feelings hurt in ER, because I must look like an OLD lady… Asked if I was my husband’s mom ggggggrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh

I see myself as Shallow Hal seen most of his potentials… Preserved, young and beautiful lol… funny right???

Wondering, in my lil inquisitive mind, if my husband is still dealing with an ex for financial gain

Finally destroyed the SCAM check… Had forgotten about it all this time. Thank God it was still there

Stop sabotaging your relationship by always thinking the worse about your mate… God makes NO mistakes