Holding on to Heaven while YOUR husband goes THROUGH hell!

I purposely added emphasis to the word THROUGH to show that I indeed have FAITH that he’ll eventually come out of this craziness that he’s bogged down with, and OUR marriage shall be harmonious.

I will say this though, it’s NOT as bad as before. There were years of blatant in-your-face disrespect occurring, with different women and infidelity, and I was Soooooo blindly in love that I excepted ANY and everything he put me THROUGH. After some time, I did grow wiser and I ultimately ended the relationship altogether. But, it is obvious that God wants US together. I mean WE spent ten years away from each other, and both of us married other people. Nonetheless, here WE are… BACK IN STRIDE AGAIN 🙂 🙂 🙂

No doubt, I PRAY and long for God to send me a man who has already converted… I know things WILL be Soooooo much BETTER… we can PRAY and fellowship TOGETHER, I won’t have to worry about HIM cheating, because the conviction within will tear him ALL to pieces. Reading the Bible as one would be POWERFUL, because God delights in marriage. Therefore, the revelation knowledge from on high would be mind boggling… But, I’d ENJOY every second of it 🙂 🙂 🙂

In fact, God’s word says “How can two walk TOGETHER unless they agree” and I always think about that passage of scripture whenever problems arise with US, and I honestly consider breaking it off with HIM at times… But, sum always pulls me BACK. But, for ANY grasping advice from this post… I’d rather you wait on marriage until you’re both genuinely walking upright before God, so that He can lead, guide and direct the both of you on HOW to treat one another.

It’s MORE to marriage then mere intimacy… God WILL show you how to enjoy each other on dates, vacations or JUST sitting around the house play fighting, cuddling while watching a movie, board games, and most importantly dating MUST Neeeeeevvvveeerr cease… it don’t matter that you’ve been together for umpteen years… spending quality alone time TOGETHER outside the bedroom is essential to healthy marriages.

Then, we have the issue of HIM indulging in elicit drugs… my therapist and one of my girlfriends thinks that’s a numero uno deal breaker… I beg to differ, as crazy as it may seem… actually he’s at his best when he’s euphoric… I become his queen literally. I get my food brought to me at bedside, the entire house gets thoroughly cleaned, and his personality is way calmer and KEEPS us at PEACE. And he makes a good point, doctors, lawyers, police and even congressmen smoke… I have NO clue of the validity in that statement, but for ALL it’s worth, him being HIGH don’t affect me and he’s NOT sabotaging things in and around OUR house… so, I don’t trip too bad 🙂 🙂 🙂

Nevertheless, once Jesus gets a grip on Him, ALL that’s gone FALL off. I didn’t do drugs, but I was a terrible alcoholic before, I’m talking violent and chaotic… unbearable to even be around, and God TOTALLY delivered me… Soooooo, I’m convinced my husband is soon to come THROUGH this mess the enemy is using to deter him from what’s Godly right for HIM. I just continue to let my light shine before HIM and eventually he’ll notice my good works and glorify OUR father IN heaven… God got US, HE promised NEVER to put MORE on US than WE can bear… And I reiterate, as long as ALL is well with me and my babies, then I CAN stick in here WITH him until his day of salvation.

Jesus saves!!!

U say “IMPOSSIBLE”… God says it’s on its way!!!

It’s NOT about what you know… But, rather WHO you know, and I repetitively decree and declare that Imma child of God, an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ Jesus 🙂 🙂 🙂 Noooooooooo good thing shall EVER be withheld from me.

Daily my DADDY is teaching me how to walk in this newness, I mean everything about you MUST convert WHEN you give YOUR life to Christ wholeheartedly. God WILL show you how NOT to settle for functioning in dysfunction… before, I was a total wreck, worrying about this, and trynna fix that… “NO MORE” God says to me, instead I am to worry about nothing and PRAY about everything 🙂 🙂 🙂

God is showing me that His Favor is ALL over me, and Blessings are IN deed tracking me down. ALL God needs from me besides my sanctification and righteousness, is for me to be transparent with HIM about my desires… HE says “write the vision and MAKE it plain!” Because I’m destined for wealth, healthy living and success… God gives me the opportunity to let HIM know exactly how I WANT my mansion to look… even down to the furniture, curtains, nick nacks and artwork.

Fam, if you’ve given YOUR life to Christ and you’re confident that you’re at least trying YOUR hardest to walk upright before HIM, then TRUST and believe that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made, and NO good thing shall EVER be withheld from you either… what God does for one of His, He’ll DO for ALL. Day by day God is shedding low self esteem, negative thinking, problems, hate, envy, strife and jealousy from me… It’s NOT of HIM… therefore, it has NO place in me 🙂 🙂 🙂

My DADDY determines I shall live an abundant, prosperous and FAITH filled LIFE, and Noooooooooo weapon formed against me shall prosper. Kinda cliche right??? “NO MORE” living average or in poverty… feeling like JUST making it is ok… mediocrity isn’t in my DNA… My DADDY owns the cattle on a thousand hills… and what father don’t WANT the best for his child???

Fam, monitor the way you think… tell YOUR children and yourself constantly ALL good things are ahead… KEEP YOUR mind stayed on God, and He’ll KEEP you in perfect PEACE… Neeeeeevvvveeerr forget, an idle mind is the devil’s playground… and he’s NOT to get one second to be lackadaisical in OUR quarters point blank period!!! Adhere to the words I speak, and know that what Blessings I receive is stored up for you as well… JUST give YOUR life to Christ and He’ll MAKE it alright.

Jesus saves!!!


This here acronym is well known to my babies, and has derived to be an uh oh moment for them. But, I don’t like that one bit, and it MUST change!!!

H.U.T. initially evolved because I wasn’t HAPPY about the fact that my children had matured into adults and were pursuing their own lives, and I didn’t get to see them as often as I wanted to, and I surprisingly was MISSING all (11) of my grandchildren. Well, to be quite honest, things haven’t improved at ALL since the plan of action was supposedly set in motion… But, that’s the reason for this post 🙂 🙂 🙂

FAMILY is Ohhhhh Soooooo important to me, and I struggle with the fact that my siblings and I aren’t as close as desired, which MEANS I look even more for my IMMEDIATE family to fill the void… then, I don’t have girlfriends that I spend quality time with. So, I long for ATTENTION from my babies. Purposely, so that I don’t become a burden to them, I ONLY require that we ALL get TOGETHER once a month… Now, of course WHEN God Blesses US with MORE time TOGETHER that’s a plus.

There’s nothing like seeing my babies smiling and laughing WITH one another, while WE reminisce about old times. The uh oh moment I referred to earlier is regarding the ZERO tolerance rule that’s been in affect since each child broke through the womb… my babies are NOT allowed altercations and grudges… NO way shape, form or fashion will I EVER stand for that. As children, when sibling rivalry reared its ugly head, they had to stand in the middle of the floor hugging for hours, if NEED be, unless they quickly resolved their spat.

The ELEVEN I mentioned are growing daily, and doing new exciting things on the regular… I MUST be a part of ALL that. Noooooooooo longer am I settling for mobile phone videos and pics… H E double hockey sticks NO… I want to see those special moments in the flesh 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

God is AWESOME, this morning HE had me write my sister and ask her to help me formulate a FAMILY reunion. Now, that’ll suffice the entire FAMILY coming TOGETHER… But, won’t replace my expectations for FAMILY orientation amongst my clan… sorry, but you won’t get off that easy!!!

The entire summer, ALL I did was cringe EVERY time I opened Facebook, because families, that WE have known for years, was doing da mug… turnt up – TOGETHER, like they were suppose to be… I’m talking bout endless pics, representing the fun and happiness they were experiencing… Noooooooooo MORE, from this day forward, my babies BETTER get ready, cause it’s on and popping… EVERY month WE will be hooking up, the whole lineage -TOGETHER doing sum big… I won’t have it NO other way.

Shoot, my grandchildren WILL know, by mimicking US, how to interact with each other once they make their own families… I WANT them to be able to say… “Man, ALL I remember was my Nana made ALL us get TOGETHER monthly and do something fun, and I really appreciated OUR time together… Soooooo, I’m implementing the same course of action for me and mine”

“Train up a child in the way they should go, and WHEN they’re older, they won’t depart from it” Reciprocation and repetition is essential for growing babies… they witness reciprocated love and happiness amongst the adults in their atmosphere and environment… As they reach adulthood they’ll carry on in the same manner. Also, if the outings and togetherness is repetitious, they’ll see that interactions with FAMILY MEMBERS has to be numero uno.

Love you ALL, let Jesus teach you how to KEEP your FAMILY close 🙂 🙂 🙂

Jesus saves!!!

My MICROWAVE help :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

God is AWESOME, I mean I sit in awe of how HE shows up and shows out for me, and Fam believe me… HE can and will do the same for you.

ALL day I’ve been smiling, and I know my son MUST think I have special powers lol. Nope, I JUST have a POWERFUL connection with my father, who controls everything earthly, and surprisingly sped up the process on NOT one thing, but HE speedily delivered several things to US in record times. NOW tell me HE ain’t tight!!!

Normally, I’d have to sit on hold with my insurance company, and maybe get transferred to like eight DIFFERENT people before my PROBLEM would be resolved… NOT anymore, my DADDY has me at the forefront, like I’m Obama’s daughter or somebody of real importance… that lady answered the phone, hit a few buttons and wallah… documents transmitted way across town, to alleviate my predicament… Ohhhhh yoppington 🙂 🙂 🙂

My condo had my money tied up… supposedly, the hold wouldn’t drop off for seven to fourteen days… NOT for me, the conference call took perhaps 17 minutes at most… and what do you know… you’ll Neeeeeevvvveeerr guess… I’ll tell you… RELEASED!!! Imma child of the most high God… Noooooooooo good thing shall EVER be withheld from me…

Normally, when I have to go do bills each month, I dread the wait time at the post office… honey, let me tell ya… Ms Thang must’ve had her Wheaties this morning… because she whipped through at least ELEVEN of us in a matter of 23 minutes… when I walked in, faces were sour, people looking intermittently at their watches, and shaking their heads in frustration… but my PRESENCE; all filled with the marvelous Holy Spirit… the atmosphere changed for the BETTER, and things got cracking… that’s HOW my DADDY twerks!!!

I JUST love God, because I see things looking up for me, in MORE ways than one… This is off subject, but a MUST tell… I see a therapist EVERY week… the same lady each time… let me tell you HOW my DADDY fixes situations in OUR lives… the therapist has to come to the lobby to take you BACK to her office. She steps out, calls my name, I walk towards her, she extends her hand and introduces herself… weird but intriguing… with a shocked look I said to her… Uhhhhh, we’ve met, it’s me Paulette… She nearly hit the floor… I looked Soooooo good, she couldn’t believe it. Now I’m NOT tooting my own horn… instead giving Praises to God for IMMEDIATE healing and transformation.

Fam, this testimonial TODAY is for ALL to see the goodness of God flowing EVER so graciously IN my LIFE… and guess what… IT JUST gets BETTER WITH time.

Jesus saves!!!